schoolsHere’s How To Choose The Right School For Your Child

Walkertown Academy
2 min readOct 18, 2022


School Management

Management forms the backbone of any organization and the same stands for a school. The school’s management is responsible for managing and directing the various activities. During your research, find out more about the management. Are the people in management qualified enough to take responsibility. How well can the management deal with the various challenges?

Curriculum and co-curricular activities

A child goes to school to study and to grow into a well rounded human being. For this, they need the right kind of curriculum. A good Curriculum not only included academics but Co-curricular and extracurricular activities. While academics shape the career of a person, extracurricular activities shape the person’s mind and attitude.

Facilities and Ambiance

It’s not enough to have a good curriculum and etcetera curricular activities in the schedule. It is equally important to have the infrastructure. Find out if the school has libraries, playgrounds, sports gear, laboratories, medical facilities, etc. Click to view Walkertown’s facilities.

Student-Teacher relationship

A child spends the majority of their time at the school with their teacher. The teachers guide the children and help shape them into the wonderful humans you want them to be. So as a parent, it is very important for you to find out about the teachers teaching in the schools and how well the teacher communicates with the students.

The proximity of the location from your horse

It is always better to choose a school that is nearest to your horse.

Reason? It is easier to reach there if needed. Even for the child, it will be better to have a short commute time. Trust us, you don’t want your child to go through 1 hour of commute time every day.



Walkertown Academy

At Walkertown Academy, your child will receive an education that focuses not just on textual knowledge but also on experiential learning.