How Does Collaboration Teaching Work?


This collaborative teaching involves multiple teachers is the combination of interdependence of skills, knowledge, experience and expertise. This teaching environment offers the students to understand the topic in different perspectives and dimensions. For teachers, this collaborative teaching helps in exploring the topics to present them in a more creative way to make it an interesting subject to the students.

The completeness to collaborative teaching comes when each of the individuals acknowledge each of the group’s contributions. For collaborative teaching phenomenal based teaching is the holistic approach which involves changing the focus of learning from subjects to phenomena.

How Can This Collaborative Teaching Be Implemented?

We have purposefully figured the key concepts or areas to start with.

  1. Teaching Children on “How to Collaborate?” and
  2. Creating a certain environment to promote collaborative learning.



Walkertown Academy

At Walkertown Academy, your child will receive an education that focuses not just on textual knowledge but also on experiential learning.